This is the standard visual file to test the respond.js polyfill with IE browsers 8, 7 and 6. An image, an external stylesheet (generating a silver border), the main stylesheet (with mediaqueries) and the polyfill javascript are hosted at the origin website, an Amazon S3 bucket.
The present respond javascript is version 1.1.0 from January 30, 2012.
Results :
IE8 : OK
IE7 : OK
IE6 : OK, if polyfill is loaded at the end of the page. When loaded in <head>, an error message "body is not an object" is thrown.


The media queries in the included CSS file simply change the body's background color depending on the browser width. If you see any colors aside from black, then the media queries are working in your browser. You can resize your browser window to see it change on the fly.